Monday, 17 October 2011


It was a Winter Term in the 1990s; my chums and I had just started another year in our ongoing school education and in between our Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, our Magnum Opus was born.

The Star Trek Warrior series started out as a creative endeavour that I and a number of my school chums developed at around the time we started our GCSEs. It was all just a bit of fun to write stories about characters based on ourselves that were set in the Star Trek universe.

Here is the opening paragraph from the first story that was written all those years ago…

Captain’s log: Stardate 47988.2. The U.S.S. Titanic has been diverted from our scheduled stop at starbase 16 and ordered to the Cardassian Demilitarised Zone. We are to investigate the alleged disappearance of the Starship Rapier, a prototype ship for a new Rapier-class vessel. Starfleet Command suspects that the Maquis are involved, and given their recent increased activity, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

Alongside the written stories, I even drew a few comic strips of the Warrior characters. Here are a few select pages from a variety of those strips (as you can see, I never got round to colouring any of the comics – or even finishing others!)…

One February half term my Warrior chums and I gathered at one of our houses and tried to make a movie with an old camcorder (although we never got further than filming one scene!)…

And when I went to University to study Film & Animation, I even used the Warrior setting for one of my many film projects. The plot involved a mischievous Q transporting the Warrior’s captain to an alternate universe. These are some production stills…

Maybe I’ll post some screencaps from the actual film at some point. Incidentally, if you want to see a video of some of the outtakes, click here

But that was about a decade ago, however, and since then I had almost forgotten about the Warrior and her crew, having moved on to other projects. But not long ago I rediscovered those old adventures and have set about rewriting/rebooting/reimagining and updating the old stories. The purpose of this blog is to publish the new adventures of the U.S.S. Warrior...

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